Bear's Blog

Breath and Movement May 12, 2023

The pandemic is officially over but we’re still living with all the unresolved consequences. It’s a work in progress. Everything is ramping up, but the speed we considered normal is being re-evaluated. Between working from home, doing more than ever online and being deluged with information and opportunities, are we really ready for more?

Change requires extra effort; we need to integrate before moving on. Yet in another sense, we are ready to be challenged, in a good way.


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The Boomerang Generation May 04, 2023

The astrology these days is similar to the late 60’s – when a cultural revolution changed America forever. Now that we are officially in the Age of Aquarius, what exactly does that mean?

The political minority continues to wield power and discriminate against “others” in more and more extreme ways. Sides have hardened into full-out warfare between democracy and autocracy. Civil war is mentioned, and people have been called to arms. Who will lead the way out of these...

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Empaths and Energy Signatures Apr 27, 2023

Are you an empath? A lot of people are relating to that term these days. Empaths sense other people’s emotions and feelings. Did you know there are three kinds of empaths, according to what their Energy Signature is?

The Priest, Lover and Gardener are all different energy types that have empathic qualities. The specific way they sense other people’s “stuff” depends on what types are in their Energy Signature. How the three kinds of empaths engage with people is...

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Confusion vs Clarity Apr 20, 2023

These are uncertain, tumultuous times - more than usual. Astrology foretells big shifts and changes in the world - and if we are willing, to transform ourselves. The unknown carries an element of trepidation at its worst, curiosity at its best.

For the curious, the questions are what are we being called to do at this time? How are we called to be right now? And what, or who, will lead us into our next defining experience? We can continue with our old patterns of coping, or explore...

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The Trinity Apr 13, 2023

The Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Mother, Daughter?) challenges modern theologians struggling to equate the three as equal. The current thinking is all three share a substance (“consubstantial”). They are equal, yet also individualized forms of the divine.

The phrase mind-body-spirit is a catchall term meant to imply that these seemingly separate parts of ourselves are intimately connected. In the religious context, not only are they “connected” but they ...

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Dying to be Reborn Apr 06, 2023

The Bardo is a transitional, liminal state between death and rebirth. We die; our human body ceases to exist. That life must be linked, in time and space, to the next incarnation. In Buddhism the Bardo is described as a series of stages in that intermediate process.

For Chogyam Trunpa the phases of the Bardo are a valuable psychological metaphor. Familiar with the phrase “the before times”? It’s used to describe life pre-Covid. I think we’re still in the Bardo, feeling...

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The Nature of Boundaries Mar 30, 2023

Boundaries are inherent in all forms. To be formed you have a shape, a size, and are differentiated from what is outside that boundary. Form is the nature of physical existence, but energy also has form. What we consider our physical body is simply our densest energy body!

Boundaries are necessary to life. Life forms have functions; from the DNA in cells to organs and physiological systems, we are a myriad of forms constantly interacting. Humans transform bread - food - into complex...

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Antidotes for Hot Buttons! Mar 23, 2023

No one likes conflict, but it’s inevitable; we often have differing needs, wants and desired outcomes in a situation. What is interesting to explore is our personal response to conflict is. If people are stuck in their familiar defenses, it's hard to work together toward a reasonable outcome.

These moments are challenging. Depending on your Energy Signature, there’s a typical pattern of initial reaction to these triggers! The more aware we are of this patterning, the better...

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Transform Your Everyday Mar 16, 2023

What kinds of changes can we make in our lives that are truly transformative? It’s not big dramatic events that really make a difference. They are helpful as a catalyst for inspiration, or for uncovering some deeper truth that gives us new insight.

The real job is integrating those events, bringing about a positive impact on the quality of our day-to-day. It’s not sexy; it’s about routines. It’s not hard, but at the same time it’s not easy to practice long...

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Your Everyday Experience Mar 09, 2023

There is a national ad campaign called “One Kind Act a Day.” You’ve probably seen the signs on businesses, billboards, and online. Regardless of the good intent, this is a sad statement on our society.

Are we so overwhelmed, self-absorbed, and busy that we need this prompt? In the gym at my children’s grade school there was a sign that said “Stop, Look and Listen” – in order to be aware of your surroundings and be safe. It seems adults need that...

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Essential Touch Mar 02, 2023

How are we nourished? Let me count the ways… food of course, water and sun, earth and all it supports, trees that breathe with us, sound, energy fields big and small, other living beings and… people.

As a human, how do we receive that which sustains us? Food first arrives as smell and taste before we take it into our bodies to digest. Sensation also plays a major factor in social and emotional nurturing - and is critical to our experience of life.

Skin is the largest organ in...

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To Ukraine, With Love Feb 23, 2023

Since Ukraine was invaded a year ago I, like so many, are mesmerized by this unfolding catastrophe. The worst of human impulses - anger, grievance, control, power, greed - has been met with courage, resilience, sacrifice, creativity and unity.

All are manifestations of the base emotions, love and hate. These polar opposites are in play because we live in the dualistic world of form. Yet we also have a foothold in the oneness - the absolute oneness, where there is no form and dramas...

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