Bear's Blog

Tonglen - A Buddhist Prayer May 05, 2022

Are there situations where the suffering is deep and complex, and you don’t know what to do or how to help? It seems an appropriate time to share this Tonglen meditation again (it was part of my “Corona Care Series” in the spring of 2020.)

The pandemic, war, violence and natural (and non-natural) disasters are taxing our resilience and understanding of the world. Tonglen is an antidote to feeling helpless or fearful. In class many years ago, a student asked me during the...

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Tonglen - An Ancient Practice for Modern Times May 22, 2020

Is there a situation where the suffering is deep and complex, and you don’t know what to do (like now)? It seems an appropriate time to share this meditation, with Corona taxing our resilience and understanding of what’s happening in the world.  It’s an antidote to feeling helpless or afraid. In class many years ago, a student asked me during the (first) Iraq war “what can I do?” and this was my answer (it’s now part of every Foundation class I teach)....

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