Bear's Blog

A Happier(!) Spring? Mar 18, 2021

Welcome Spring Equinox! As Carly Simon sang, “Anticipation… is keeping me wa-aa-aa-iting…” We can now envision returning to socializing, travel and attending events in the near future. So we are planning! Hopeful! Oh, the places we’ll go… even if it’s just the coffee shop, gym or museum. It’s within our grasp if we just stay the course a little longer.  It will be a new normal but much will stay with us; WFH, masks in flu season, Zoom...

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Two Sides of a Coin ā€“ And a Place Where It All Coexists Jan 14, 2021

Shocking, but not unexpected. This is where we are.

After the election of Trump in 2016, I was stunned. Who were the Trump voters, and why were they so angry? At that time, I thought it was a “silver lining,” because you have to see something before you can heal it.

I could not have imagined that the worst aspects of human nature would be stoked the next four years. This anger, feeling of grievance and demonization of the “other” was actively fueled with continuous...

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Another Round... of Time Jan 07, 2021

Last week I referred to some bigger celestial and geologic timeframes, and that awareness and perspective is helpful. There are other “environmental” energies that define the qualities of time periods. One such model is “doshas”, from an Ayurvedic (Indian) system of health. The three doshas are Vata (fast, cool and airy); Pitta (hot and active); and Kapha (slow, dense and cold). In a health context, a person is described as a combination of two doshas that indicate a...

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Moving forward in 2021! Dec 31, 2020

Happy New Year! Why do we celebrate it on a particular day? Because we use time to mark events.

Our concept of time is just that – a concept. It’s a linear model that works for us. Time keeping creates a structure so we can arrive, start and finish something together. It allows us to coordinate our activities, celebrations, deadlines and obligations. And yet we all know that certain phrases – such as “just a minute” and “awhile” – are less...

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Bring Back the Light in Your World Dec 24, 2020

What a strange holiday – there is always much to be grateful for, but celebrate? It was unusually dramatic for Fauci to call this winter “a really dark time” if we don’t stay vigilant. Given the politicization of basic public health guidelines, that’s not happening; not for Thanksgiving, and not for Christmas (when millions are still traveling to visit and gather).

So here we are right now, at this dark time, transiting seasons and reflecting on the past year. We...

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The Holidays Are a Time to PLAY! Dec 16, 2020

Have you been breaking out a few board games, puzzles, or playing cards these past months? Or possibly discovering chess… because diversion is what we need right now, and home is where we’re at.

Here’s a unique addition to that classic, Monopoly.

One of my students, Patty Lisieski, was inspired by her son to do a “McKay Method” (Monopoly) game for her graduate project. She was so creative with the format, we would like to share it with you. We hope you have as...

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A Gift of Love for You and the Kids Dec 11, 2020

We feel confined right now, but don’t let your body suffer! Movement supports all aspects of our physical health – circulatory and respiratory, muscular and skeletal, endocrine, nervous and especially immunity. The lymph fluid cleans up cellular debris from antibodies fighting invaders, and takes it out of our system. The problem is, it doesn’t have a functional “pump” to move it like the heart does for the blood. You have to physically MOVE your body to move the...

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What's Up with Your Energy Signature? Dec 02, 2020

This pressure-cooker pandemic environment, where so much is happening, yet everything feels stalled, is testing our limits – and perhaps exposing some personal patterns that are not helpful.

Maybe these are behaviors you’ve noticed before, but chalked it up to personality, ingrained habits, and even childhood experiences. While these things do affect our behavior, the main reason we RESPOND the way we do to life is directly related to our Energy Signature. These responses become...

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Communion with Trees - Part 2! Nov 25, 2020

This year’s “harvest” is quite different from what it has been in the past. We can – and should – always find things to be grateful for. Yet on a material level our incomes, priorities and routines have changed (for better and for worse). We have been limited in some activities, while other areas of attention and concern have been expanded. We aren’t socializing in the same way; we’re spending more time in our closest relationships. If you have...

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Bless Your Food - with Energy at Thanksgiving! Nov 20, 2020

Blessing your food is an ancient ritual, a spiritual and religious practice of gratitude. Saying a prayer before we eat actually drops us into Being – the “rest and digest” mode of the parasympathetic nervous system (versus the sympathetic nervous system’s “fight or flight”.) A moment of mindfulness actually prepares our bodies to receive and digest our food.

I’d like to add an intentional energy component to explore. It’s the ultimate gratitude...

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My Favorite Political Films that Inform and Entertain Nov 10, 2020

Whew! The election was a nail-biter. Looking forward to a return of competence, decency and honesty in the White House (not to mention presidential pets – and another groundbreaking first, a rescue dog). Exhausted from living in Trumpworld for 4 years, I am ecstatic to finally be liberated!
So let’s take a break. I invite you to dive into some entertaining movies that give historical context to some of our recent cultural and political currents. All are fictional movies of...

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Best Practices for 2020! Nov 05, 2020

What’s next?

I am writing this the day before election day. It is clear that everyone is fearful. My best advice for getting through these next few weeks with patience and persistence is to take a deep breath. Again. And again.

Make that slow, 3- part breathing – abdomen, diaphragm, chest. Actually, those are the 3 places where we align our Hara – a technique that immediately drops you into the Being State! We could all use a little of that right now. You can learn how;...

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