Bear's Blog

Our National Brouhaha Jul 25, 2024

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I was going to do a series of relaxing, feel-good blogs for the summer, but the political sturm and drang have been disquieting. I’d still like to offer a break from all the drama! I invite you to dive into a few entertaining movies that illustrate other volatile moments in our body politic. All are fictional movies of actual events, and they give me perspective and hope at this particular time in American history. Maybe you think it’s never been this...

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A Reign of Terror? Jul 18, 2024

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There are two poles of human emotion - love and fear. Every other emotion is an iteration of those basic ones. Out of fear arises anger and its expression, violence; also greed, revenge, exploitation, and entitlement. Fear of survival is a basic instinct driving those impulses. We also have an instinct to love. To bond with another (as an infant does), to cooperate with others, to learn and grow and care. Those also contribute to our survival. We are hormonally...

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Tree Hugging and Beyond Jul 11, 2024

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Summertime, and the livin’ is easy… gardens, yards and parks, the great outdoors beckons. Nature invites us to rally. Biking, hiking or swimming, it’s peak activity time! The Earth and Sun are at their most expansive. We can actually relax into this expansion too. That could mean going on vacation or just hanging out with family and friends. There are summer book reading lists, hammocks and just succumbing to the heat with a cold drink on the...

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Born on the Fourth Jul 04, 2024

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This week we celebrate the birth of the United States of America. At the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin said “when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble… all their prejudices, passions, errors of opinion, local interests and selfish views.” Afterwards when asked about the outcome, he said “It’s a republic, if you can keep it.” The United States is a democratic...

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Signs and Signals Jun 27, 2024

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Against all odds, Native peoples around the world have managed to carry on their culture and traditions to a large degree. Broken but not beaten, their rich wisdom of how to live on the Earth is still available. Are we ready to listen? Modern “progress” has created an escalating loss of insect, plant, animal and human life. As a result of poison and pollution the planet is heating up to an unsustainable degree. People have created this catastrophe...

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Brother Sun, Sister Moon Jun 20, 2024

Welcome to another rare celestial event! Every 19 years the sun and moon meet at their fullest. This week the strongest solstice energy is from June 19th to 21st, with the full moon brightening from the 20th through the 22nd. What was happening in your life 19 years ago? This configuration signals the birth of the next 19-year cycle. What needs to be completed, what calls you forward? Soak in the brilliance of the sun and moon now, for they will nourish you in the coming months!

Solstices and...

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Emilie Conrad's Legacy Jun 13, 2024

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I’ve been blessed with many great teachers. This week I’ll be doing a Continuum “dive” in honor of movement pioneer Emilie Conrad, who passed several years ago. My Energy Signature includes the Priest - we are notorious for being reluctant inhabitants of a physical body! In my first workshop with her I found joy and freedom in the modality she created. It was a revelation and a way to work with my spinal curvature (a left-right imbalance...

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A Jungle Heart Jun 06, 2024

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In the mind-body-spirit vernacular, the “mind” is a combination of the psychological and emotional. The Chinese have a character for heart-mind; one symbol that embodies both. Not all my clients have physical issues but come for other aspects of healing. I always work with the entirety of each individual I see, but this case had a heart-mind focus. What’s most interesting about it is how the progression of his healing was reflected in what I call...

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An Emotional and Physical Journey May 30, 2024

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A policewoman came to me with a big problem - she was close to the maximum weight allowed for an officer. Her weight had always been an issue, yo-yoing by as much as 100 pounds. Having tried many diets over the years she wanted to find a sustainable solution. In the past she was prescribed amphetamines, but like most drugs it was a short term fix with side effects. She had some unhelpful habits but that wasn’t the main issue; with weight gain, it’s...

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A Primer on Healing May 23, 2024

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Practicing energy healing is endlessly fascinating. Western medicine treats a narrow aspect of health; I address a more complete picture. Some energy healers don’t work directly with the physical body, relying on the “trickle across effect” (learn more in my free masterclass.) I don’t call myself a spiritual healer because is that who you’d call for a broken leg? How I work and teach utilizes techniques specific to our many different...

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The Spiritual Brain May 18, 2024

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I embrace the field of neuroscience; in studying our nervous system, it's one step closer to people understanding that energy healing works. Tracking energy with a brain scan in real time shows what areas of the brain are activated in different states and activities. A newer field, neurotheology (also called spiritual neuroscience), studies what happens in the brain when we are having a religious or spiritual experience. Is there a consistent biological correlation...

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Make Love Not War May 11, 2024

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When writing about current events, I avoid calling out particulars to focus on the bigger energetic dynamics in play. Not so in my last blog. I noted the similarities between the wave of anti-war student protests in the 60’s and now; I also emphasized the power of nonviolence, and that violence begets more violence. I’ve gotten many responses with a variety of positions on the Mideast war. In reply, I’d like to consider the ways we hold our own...

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