Bear's Blog

University students protesting

The Great Reboot (Again?)

May 02, 2024

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There is an explosion of campus protests across the country (and spreading around the world). Young people are standing up to advocate for the Palestinian people. Early on this support was ascribed to endorsing Hamas, but I haven’t seen indications of anyone promoting terrorism! Why am I writing about such a hot-button issue now? I am reminded of the Vietnam War protests of the late 60s and early 70’s. It’s an indication that “the times they are a-changing” - in more ways than we can imagine.

For several years now I have heard astrologers talk about the coming planetary alignments as similar to the "Summer of Love" in 1967, that ushered in the American counter-cultural revolution. It was a call for a collective expansion of consciousness. Researching that era I saw many different “movements” born at that time that permanently changed our cultural, social and political landscape.

To name a few: the Civil Rights Movement, the Feminist Movement, “Gay” Liberation, Vietnam protests, the United Farmworkers boycotts, the Environmental Movement and the first “Earth Day” (and we now have the 500-lb gorilla in the room, climate change).


Basic cultural mores and values were being questioned - materialism, equal rights, sexuality, what a family should look like. You can see some progress since then, but – not enough. So this is the moment, again, to turn the world upside down and shake out what’s holding us back from evolving.

Fifty years ago seems like ancient history. Yet as the cosmic constellations above go through cycles, we on earth are impacted - and human history repeats itself. We are now officially in the Age of Aquarius - until 2043! The heavenly bodies are once again activating powerful, essential social and political change.

In Buddhism the wheel of karma is a term describing the cycle of life, death and rebirth of an individual. We are called to shape our destiny through intentions and actions in order to alter the endless cycle of suffering. I believe we are called on as a society to do the same! Do we really want to see a world that continues to be disrupted by war, famine, and power held by a few? When will we eschew hatred and condemn violence - the worst of human nature - and elevate ourselves to live in alignment with our higher selves?

There is an important distinction to be made between the Jewish people generally and Netanyahu’s government. Many Israelis have been against the extreme right-wing policies of the recent past. There are signs that people are starting to reject authoritarianism around the world - Ukraine of course, but also Brazil, and most recently Hungary (and in time the U.S.). Does there have to be a bloody war to bring about change? There is a Palestinian, Issa Amro, who has been preaching - and living - the non-violent approach of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. for decades... can his vision be realized?


In the future will the age-old battle between love and hate finally be put to rest? I believe most people are intrinsically good, and on board with my motto of peace, love and healing. We can disagree on the means to an end, and may not always be our best selves. We can always get back to the deep breath, and an appreciation of the wildness, beauty, and unpredictability of this, and ultimately, all times. We truly don’t know what will happen, but let’s point our intentions toward the best possible future for all.

Peace, love and healing -


For an earlier take about this, here is a blog from 2023 - The Boomerang Generation

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