Bear's Blog

Medicine Wheels: Part Three Aug 24, 2023

Over the years our School retreats have been held at various sites with medicine wheels - at the Big Horn Wheel, the WD Ranch, and Bear Canyon where Sandee Mills (a graduate) built a spectacular wheel.

At the WD Ranch students Paul and Ellie Hawks built an enormous wheel; it’s a single circle, with a VERY large crystal planted in its center. We would begin with a silent “walk of intention” – like the Buddhist kinhin walking meditation – up the hill, with a few...

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Medicine Wheels: Part Two Aug 17, 2023

More fun than visiting a medicine wheel, is building one! Chris Snell helped me build my first; he built many as large as 40’ wide on his family’s ranch, the Lazy EL in Roscoe, Montana. He has built medicine wheels in many environments, including a city backyard.

The McKay Method® energy healing community has built three wheels over the years on a hill just east of Bozeman, Montana. They are approximately 10’ in diameter, but have a powerful energetic effect on the whole...

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Medicine Wheels: Part One Aug 15, 2023

Native Americans have created medicine wheels for thousands of years. It’s a structure made of rocks placed in the landscape; it typically has a central stone(s) surrounded by one or more concentric circles, with two or more lines radiating outward from the center point. Most of the few hundred that survive are found in Canada and the U.S. Mountain West. Some scientists and historians believe these forms reflected various celestial alignments (not unlike Stonehenge and other...

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Medicine Wheels - Part 3 Sep 25, 2020

Somehow, by happy accident? – medicine wheels have been a part of every School Retreat we’ve held since 2008. Several have been at the WD Ranch north of Big Timber, Montana. It’s a special place where Paul and Ellie Hawks, students of mine, built a very large wheel – a single circle – with a VERY large crystal planted in its center. We would begin with the silent “walk of intention” – like the Buddhist kinhin walking meditation – up the...

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Medicine Wheels - Part 2 Sep 18, 2020

Even more fun than visiting a medicine wheel, is building one! Chris Snell helped me build my first one in 2003. He had built many as large as 40’ wide on his family’s ranch (the Lazy EL) in Roscoe, Montana - but Chris has built medicine wheels in many environments, even a city backyard.

The McKay Method energy healing community has built three wheels over the years on a hill just east of Bozeman, Montana. They are smaller (approximately 10’ in diameter) but have a powerful...

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Medicine Wheels - Part 1 Sep 11, 2020

Medicine wheels are a creation of Native Americans that have been built for thousands of years. It’s a structure made by rocks placed in the landscape; it typically has a central stone(s) surrounded by one or more concentric circles, and/or two or more lines radiating outward from the center point. Most of the few hundred that survive are found in Canada and the U.S. Mountain West.

Some scientists and historians believe these forms were related to the stars, reflecting various celestial...

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