Bear's Blog

Illustration of half face of a woman and a man with a sky and clouds background

From Binary to Beautiful

Mar 07, 2024

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March 8th is International Women's Day, initiated in 1911 to bring to light “women’s issues”. With roots in socialism, the most pressing concerns were working conditions, equal pay and the vote. More than a hundred years later, gender equity issues remain. Yet we are moving away from centuries of patriarchy - not to matriarchy, but a balanced society. Substitute the phrase “women’s rights” for human rights. Now there’s a new wrinkle to this dynamic - a rejection of binary, dualistic identities!

We are all a combination of male and female energies, or qualities, no matter our biology. Each individual is a unique expression of humanity. Throughout history there have been people who were recognized as being not either/or, but as neither/both! In some cultures they were accepted, allowed to live as equals and contribute to society.

The last hundred years or so, fear of the “other” has translated into intolerance and violence. Non-white, non-straight, immigrants, women and even people with “other” political views or religious beliefs are demonized. Book bans, sexual and reproductive oppression, and denial of basic rights are a few examples of recent efforts to return to the old social order. I believe we are experiencing an extreme backlash to the progress that has been made toward equality and inclusion.

We are witnessing a rebellion against the strictly defined roles of men and women of the past. “Barbie'' calls for “death to the patriarchy”, but it’s about Ken’s liberation too! Male and female brains do have biological, structural differences that impact our experience of the world to some degree. Our physiology is now being understood as more malleable than we ever imagined - brain plasticity is just the beginning.*

My understanding is that we choose our parents, our sex, and potential for growth before we incarnate into this life. A lesson plan of sorts, but the outcome is not predetermined. We can choose to take those opportunities, but free will prevails! The freedom to discover our natural preferences and talents, to explore a range of identities, is a birthright.

When I was younger I was very competitive and identified with my more “masculine” qualities. Later, the past lives I had memories of were not only male, but living in male enclaves like the priesthood and the military. (Caesar’s army! That explains why I was reading books about his military campaigns at age twelve.) The experience of giving birth and the surprising maternal instinct that aroused helped me embrace my feminine nature. I think it ultimately led me to healing. Decades later, I began to have memories of female past lives - and to understand that one of my life lessons was to learn and appreciate the value of the female experience.

Our brains like to categorize and label. It’s a protective mechanism, a way to feel safe in the known. Can we short-circuit that impulse to accept what we can’t immediately define? Like a person who looks androgynous? It’s all truly energetic, so let’s become more curious about our world, and people as individuals.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is INCLUSION. It’s time to reject the old dualistic thinking on many fronts, including us versus them. It’s revolutionary! Evolutionary! Impacts every aspect of society and culture. No wonder those with power are threatened. A new ethos is manifesting. Surely that is what is needed now, at this crucial time for humanity and our very existence on planet Earth.

Peace, love and healing -


*I have the privilege of working on that interface between matter and energy as a healer, negotiating form and fluidity in every session!

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