Bear's Blog

The Great Reboot (Again?) May 02, 2024

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There is an explosion of campus protests across the country (and spreading around the world). Young people are standing up to advocate for the Palestinian people. Early on this support was ascribed to endorsing Hamas, but I haven’t seen indications of anyone promoting terrorism! Why am I writing about such a hot-button issue now? I am reminded of the Vietnam War protests of the late 60s and early 70’s. It’s an indication that “the times they...

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Down to Earth Apr 18, 2024

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Since the eclipse some people are still experiencing more intensity in the form of physical or emotional dysregulation. With all the extra energy from the sun, maybe you are too! The “solar maximum” lasts through November. We want to take advantage of the positive solar input AND protect ourselves from negative environmental energies. Grounding is important in both situations, and a strong boundary helps eliminate the impact of the pervasive...

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The Greatest Show on Earth Apr 11, 2024

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Humans have been looking at the stars from the beginning. Measuring. Noticing and marking the change of seasons with equinoxes - “equal” day and night - and solstices, when the “sun stands still”. Assigning time to cycles of the moon and stars; day and night, months and years. The transitions between light and dark are always gradual. The upheaval of an eclipse is extraordinary - in an instant the sun, hidden by the moon, goes black. Without...

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Harmonizing with Cosmic Energies Apr 04, 2024

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Is there a cosmic conspiracy to (en)lighten us up? The finale of the current celestial events is the total solar eclipse on April 8th (also a supermoon, when the moon is closest to Earth!) The equinox portal and “eclipse window” officially end that day, but the sun’s energy will continue to be more active for several days as it winds down. We won’t return to “normal” - underlying those events is an overall increase in solar...

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Reeling in Cosmic Energies! Mar 28, 2024

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It’s critical to understand the exponential potential we have to resource, change, and reset our destiny at this time. Not only our personal energetic and biological destiny, but that of the entire human race and the planet. It sounds impossibly big! So as always we start simply, with ourselves, doing what we can. The equinox shift is supported and enhanced by eclipse energies right now. We have the Dragon energy with us all year long, as well as the peak of...

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An Energetic Trilogy! Mar 21, 2024

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We are in for quite the ride, if you decide to jump on it! We have a conjunction of events - time markers - and each one is a significant opportunity to inhale fresh, invigorating energy. The energy of spring and growth. The equinox, Easter, and then a double eclipse are all happening in the span of a few weeks. Underlying it all is the Year of the Dragon energy. So take advantage of the wind beneath your wings (and spring IS the windy season.) Now is a good time...

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Pilgrimage Mar 14, 2024

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Pilgrimage… a journey to a sacred place. An external journey, traveling away from familiar environs and the daily tasks of life. It’s also an internal journey toward a deeper understanding of one’s life. It's a solitary quest for meaning, but often undertaken in the company of other pilgrims. There is a goal in terms of the physical endpoint, be it a holy religious site or simply the end of a trek. Yet the main focus is spiritual connection,...

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From Binary to Beautiful Mar 07, 2024

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March 8th is International Women's Day, initiated in 1911 to bring to light “women’s issues”. With roots in socialism, the most pressing concerns were working conditions, equal pay and the vote. More than a hundred years later, gender equity issues remain. Yet we are moving away from centuries of patriarchy - not to matriarchy, but a balanced society. Substitute the phrase “women’s rights” for human rights. Now there’s a...

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The Possibilities of Tomorrow Feb 29, 2024

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Ah, the future. Can we get a hint at what’s in store for us? It’s a perennial question that we all seem to want answered. Divination has taken endless forms throughout the ages. Celtic runes, tea leaves, tarot cards and palms can be read. Today there is a proliferation of “cards” to guide us that can be as simple as a meditation for the day, or as complex as the Chinese IChing and astrology. The human search for certainty (and security in...

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Heroes Feb 22, 2024

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“My life is my message.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Our greatest heroes are those who affected the rest of humanity through their example - without violence. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. are a few. Now Alexei Navalny will forever stand among those who made great sacrifices for the cause of freedom. Freedom from oppression; freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. All deserve equal treatment, respect and consideration....

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Chakra Love Feb 15, 2024

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I celebrate love in all its forms on Valentines, for the sweet-hearted. There are three chakras in particular - the 2nd, 4th, and 6th - that manifest distinct variations on love, from sympathy to empathy to compassion.

All ancient cultures have maps of the human energy field; the Chinese have the meridians in acupuncture, and the chakra model comes from India. There are seven major chakras, each feeding a distinct part of our anatomy as well as emotional and...

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Ride the Dragon! Feb 08, 2024

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I always officially start my year with the Chinese calendar… it takes my ADHD brain that long to get in gear. This year is especially auspicious. In other astrological zodiacs there is never ONE best sign to be, except in the Chinese system - the Dragon IS the best! It’s also the only mythological creature of their zodiac. When the strength of the Dragon combines with the Wood element, it brings vision, growth and evolution. So let’s ride the...

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