Bear's Blog

The Healing Power of Community Aug 31, 2023

I have written about the importance of grounding your spirituality with a specific practice. Now I would like to address the importance of connecting to a larger body, a community of like-minded people. This can take many forms, from a religious congregation or sangha to a book club or hiking group; any group of people that meets on a regular basis to engage in activity and conversation with spiritual experience as the focus.

It has been well documented that people who are supported socially...

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Confusion vs Clarity Apr 20, 2023

These are uncertain, tumultuous times - more than usual. Astrology foretells big shifts and changes in the world - and if we are willing, to transform ourselves. The unknown carries an element of trepidation at its worst, curiosity at its best.

For the curious, the questions are what are we being called to do at this time? How are we called to be right now? And what, or who, will lead us into our next defining experience? We can continue with our old patterns of coping, or explore...

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Essential Touch Mar 02, 2023

How are we nourished? Let me count the ways… food of course, water and sun, earth and all it supports, trees that breathe with us, sound, energy fields big and small, other living beings and… people.

As a human, how do we receive that which sustains us? Food first arrives as smell and taste before we take it into our bodies to digest. Sensation also plays a major factor in social and emotional nurturing - and is critical to our experience of life.

Skin is the largest organ in...

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Healing a Past Life Wound - from the NOW! May 13, 2021

Once again, what draws our attention most is when we have some physical issue show up. Usually the causes are many - physical, emotional, and energetic. The energetic aspect can also have lots of layers to it. Often in past lives we see multiple instances of an injury or some dynamic playing out again and again. Addressing all of the practical current causes, plus lifting some of the past life influences, can make for a more profound difference in the degree of healing.

Linda: Just the...

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Ready to Leap into a New Normal? Jun 26, 2020

So, what is our new normal? Your new normal?

We will not be able to move in the world in the same way we used to, at least for a year or two. A vaccine will help a lot, and “herd immunity” – 60-70% of the population exposed – will take a few years to achieve. In the meantime, contacts outside our “bubble” need to be limited and carefully considered. So until then…

What is important to you? What choices are you making?

The only appointments I have...

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