Bear's Blog

A Crazy Scene Feb 01, 2024

For each land energy story I’ve written about in this series, there are many more in my files. I want to share one that involves ALL the variables possible when working on a property. I was called to investigate a flat in an Edwardian building across the street from the “panhandle”. A long narrow park leading into San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, in the late 60’s great bands of the time - Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix - had played...

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Respecting Natureā€™s Shadow Side Jan 18, 2024

Land energy is a complex category. It’s influenced by deep geological forces, the composition of the earth’s mantle and crust, gravity, the atmosphere - even the cosmos beyond!

While complicated, on assignment I’m usually concerned with what’s just above and below the surface that creates corresponding energy flows and fields. Water and energy are similar in quality and form, both in our bodies and the earth’s body. This is why water, whether surface or...

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Sacred Lands Jan 11, 2024

People take my healing classes for many reasons. It can be the first step toward a healing career, or add value to a current healing practice. Half of my students come for personal growth. They also learn ways to help themselves, family and friends with health issues.

I also become a go-to resource when something has gone wrong. That’s how I ended up on this job! One of my students was a real estate agent in Aspen, Colorado. A property wasn't selling, and no one could figure out why.


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Mysterious, Remarkable
Energy Work
Jan 04, 2024

I have written several mini-series on different areas of healing. I’ve talked about ghost busting, how past lives can affect a person in this life, communicating with those that have passed and the multi-layered aspect of physical healing (all on my website.)

I have worked with ghosts over the years, but it’s just one part of clearing a location. Other aspects are the land energies inherent on the property; energy trapped in building materials from past events; or recent human...

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Too MUCH History Oct 26, 2023

I was called to do some energy work at a historic deco hotel built in 1920. The owner had lived in Singapore - where it was considered normal to take care of your buildings energetically. Now based in the US, he was concerned about many issues with his new property, considered a landmark and beloved by many in this small western city.

I met him for a half-day scouting trip to identify areas that needed attention. It turned out to be a highly complex job with many different elements.


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Ghostly Adventures Oct 05, 2023

This year, while the veil is thin, I thought I would write about – ghosts! As in an unwanted, unknown visitor in a building, often but not always a home. I’ll start out with my very first experience in “ghost-busting”. I was a total neophyte, had no training whatsoever – in fact it was a decade later that I got some extensive training in energy healing. Now I consider my work helping spirits leave as a healing for all involved – because it’s always...

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