Bear's Blog

Dimensions of Our Being Jul 14, 2022

What’s the difference between chakras, dantien points on the Hara Line, and our Soul body? They are forms that exist on different dimensions. All are aspects of our energetic physiology, but because they exist on different planes, they can seem to occupy the same space! What’s even more interesting is how they relate and interact with each other.

The Soul comes in at conception and is the essential “operating system” for our entire Being. It is who we are at the...

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Interbeing Jan 27, 2022

Photo by luizclas from Pexels

The news of Thich Nhat Hanh (also known as Thay) has rocked the world - in a good way. We are all part of one big energy field together, for better or for worse! The first time I noticed the world consciously coming together in this way was when Princess Diana died, followed by Mother Theresa. They both represented love. The internet has underlined our connectedness in profound and mundane ways. We are ONE WORLD.

There is a massive outpouring of...

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Santa Lives! Dec 03, 2021

Mid-winter celebrations have been going on around the world as long as history remembers. It could be an awfully dreary and depressing time of year without them (especially this year!) We socialize more, reaching out to family, friends, and the larger community. We are moved to volunteer and donate to help others, and everyone indulges in special foods and drink. We bring trees and lights into our homes; there are beautiful decorations everywhere you go. Familiar music abounds (like it or...

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Bless your foodā€¦ with energy! Dec 17, 2019

Blessing your food is an ancient ritual, a spiritual and religious practice of gratitude. Saying a prayer before we eat actually drops us into Being – the “rest and digest” mode of the parasympathetic nervous system (versus the sympathetic “fight or flight”). A moment of mindful prayer actually prepares our body to digest food. So many spiritual practices actually have practical value as well!

So take a moment to appreciate the food you are about to eat. This can...

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