Bear's Blog

Chakra Communication

Jun 09, 2022

Did you know you could be more in sync, approach difficult conversations, and have a better connection with someone by practicing Chakra Communication™? All it takes is a little bit of chakra knowledge and a few moments of recognition at the beginning of an interaction.

The practice is simple – identify the chakra they are coming from, meet them there, listen and say a few affirming words from that place, and then lead the conversation to a more productive arena (and the chakra will follow.)

Here are some examples of what that looks like:

A) Your partner comes home; you know there was good news at work and have set up a romantic, intimate dinner. They come home all amped up about the details of the work project, barely noticing the ambiance that greets them.

Partner is coming from the 3rd chakra – mentally engaged and on an intellectual, analytical high.
You are coming from the 2nd chakra – love, sexuality, and desire.

You can see that you are completely missing each other in your communication, and the players will just be distracted by the other’s behavior. 

Here’s the Chakra Communication™ practice:

1) Recognize the partner is in a 3rd chakra state
2) Put a moment of attention on your 3rd chakra (solar plexus)
3) Engage from that place – for instance, “you certainly nailed it”, “without your (x) it wouldn’t have happened”, “it’s amazing how it all fell into place.”
4) Once they are met, heard, and affirmed you can then move the conversation in a 2nd chakra direction – and be much better received! For instance – “I’m so proud of you”, “Let’s celebrate – here’s your favorite meal!”, “What would make your day even more special?” (refer to the accomplishment in a more personal and emotional way.)

B) A friend has just lost their job and is panicked. You try to reassure them that something even better will come along, and it will be fine.

Friend is coming from the 1st chakra - physical survival – and is in fear mode, worried about finances and the immediate future.
You are coming from the 5th chakra - big picture understanding, problem-solving, opportunities.

You can see you are completely missing each other in your communication and will feel more and more disconnected as a result. Here’s the Chakra Communication™ practice:

1) Recognize the friend is in a 1st chakra state
2) Put a moment of attention on your 1st chakra (base of your spine)
3) Engage from that place – “that’s scary”, “a shocking surprise”, “who knew they were downsizing.”
4) Once they are met, heard, and affirmed you can shift to a 5th chakra conversation – and help them re-orient. For instance, “it’s an opportunity to have work that is a better fit, more in alignment with your gifts and interests”, “you can start your dream business”, “you can negotiate a better salary.”

C) A young child is throwing a tantrum because they want cookies before bedtime. You explain why it’s not a good thing and they need to go to bed now.

Child is coming from the 2nd chakra – emotional and distraught at their unmet desires.
You are coming from the 3rd chakra – all the logical reasons that isn’t going to happen.

You can see that you are completely missing each other in your communication, and the players will just get more dug into their perspective. Here’s the Chakra Communication™ practice:

1) Recognize the child is in a 2nd chakra state
2) Put a moment of attention on your 2nd chakra (belly)
3) Engage from that place – for instance, “I love cookies too”, “I’m sad we can’t have some”, “I hate that rule.”
4) Once they are met, heard, and affirmed, you can then move the conversation forward to your initial rational response – and calm the situation down. For instance, ”I wish sugar didn’t make it so hard to sleep”, “Too bad it’s bedtime”, “Oh no, the stores are closed right now.”

I have gotten feedback from people amazed at how well this works. You could also move them to the 4th (heart) by offering to lay in bed with them until they fall asleep, or the 5th (throat) by singing or telling a bedtime story.

Too simple, you say? Simple is beautiful! Give your cynical or rushed or assuming self a break and try it. You might have some success with just the words; adding the subtle energetic component makes a big difference.

For a download of the complete exercise, including a chakra cheat sheet and a Chakra Communication™ shortcutCLICK HERE

Have fun!



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