Bear's Blog

Medicine Wheels: Part One Aug 15, 2023

Native Americans have created medicine wheels for thousands of years. It’s a structure made of rocks placed in the landscape; it typically has a central stone(s) surrounded by one or more concentric circles, with two or more lines radiating outward from the center point. Most of the few hundred that survive are found in Canada and the U.S. Mountain West. Some scientists and historians believe these forms reflected various celestial alignments (not unlike Stonehenge and other...

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Here and Now Aug 03, 2023

What is actually happening when we multitask? It turns out we are rapidly shifting our focus from one thing to another. The downside is that every time we flip the switch, the brain uses more fuel to recalibrate - the same fuel we need for focus and attention.

Our nervous systems are being taxed to the max in this Age of Information. Omnipresent technology encourages multitasking, and our brains have an upper limit on how much is processed at once.

No matter what we are doing, the brain has a...

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The Schumann Resonance Jul 27, 2023

The Schumann Resonance is the auric field of the planet. The space between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere contains electromagnetic activity in the ELF (extremely low frequency) band. It can vary somewhat between day and night and the seasons, but is usually consistent at 7.83 Hz (the “earth’s heartbeat”.)

Lately, there have been significant irregularities and spikes in the Schumann Resonance, and people are literally buzzing! There are many theories as to why,...

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Let it Flow! Jul 13, 2023

Energy flows - more or less. So does water, and they move in similar ways. In contemplating our current state of affairs lately, I think money does too! When they flow freely, all are realizing their full potential; people are supported, society thrives and the earth is nourished in a reciprocal give and take.

When the flow gets hindered or blocked, problems arise. Systems become depleted when resources are not freely circulating. We can see the effects of this in all those areas.


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For the Young at Heart Jul 06, 2023

It's summertime, and kids are on the loose! Trying to find activities that are fun and interactive is a never-ending challenge. Apart from pure recreation and more “learning opportunities”, you might want to create some more reflective time with them.

As adults, we aspire to model spirituality and psychological health. Morals, compassionate behavior, and religious beliefs can be taught intellectually. But how do you foster a spiritual or energetic experience

Anyone who has...

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Happy to be Me Jun 29, 2023

Good advice from the muppets! While each of us is unique, we group ourselves - and others - into general categories. We sort people by race, age, and gender. We are even identified officially according to these parameters.

To be suspicious of the unfamiliar, of anyone who doesn’t look, sound, act, love or live like us is a basic animal instinct. It arises out of fear and judgment. Distinguishing “us” from “them” can be important for physical safety in certain...

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Organic Intelligence Jun 22, 2023

We can make a distinction between whether intelligence is carbon-based (organic) or silicon-based (inorganic.) Chat GPT has an IQ of 155; Einstein's IQ was 160. With AI’s ability to increase its intelligence exponentially, we will soon reach the “Singularity” - an event horizon beyond which we know nothing.

1500 noted scientists signed an open letter calling to temporarily shut down the development of AI, so adequate security systems can be created - citing its immediate...

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The Great Experiment Jun 15, 2023

Destroy humanity in 5-10 years? That's a cautionary prediction coming from some AI experts. Robots revolting and taking over has always been a common movie theme - as well as humans destroying the environment (we’re already on our way toward that end.)

AI is exploding onto the scene after percolating in research labs for decades. The ramifications of technology become apparent after the fact, already let loose and wreaking havoc. We’re not good at putting the genie back in the...

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The Human Project Jun 08, 2023

One of my favorite sayings for years is “If you’re in a body, you’ve got work to do!” (more on that later.) Lately, the American (originally Protestant) work ethic is being applied to personal development and spiritual growth in an unhelpful way.

Although the traditional definition of work is what we do to make money (for a living?) that sense of obligation and drudgery is creeping into many areas. Child-raising, exercise, diet, and relationships are not immune to the...

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The Circle of Life Jun 01, 2023

There is breath, movement, and also - sound. Every in-breath gives our organs a gentle massage; the out-breath carries sound. Sound is vibration, which is movement!

In-breath, movement, out-breath, sound, creating more movement - it’s the circle of life, playing out in every living thing. It’s also energy moving - waves of expansion and contraction that guide the fluid movement of our breath, voice and heartbeat.

As we release our breath it can stimulate our vocal chords, which...

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The Adventure Continues May 25, 2023

Every person is unique, and every group that comes together to learn healing work is truly unique. We had a fascinating deep dive with lots of unexpected variables - visiting spirits, past life imprints coming forward, and an abundance of various energetic influences.

Another year, a student commented "Before we incarnated, we all agreed to meet here together and do this work."

What will your group be like? Last call for an in-person Foundations class before the 2-year program...

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Grow and Flourish May 18, 2023

I’m teaching in Montana this week! It’s truly one of my favorite things to do - working with students as they develop their ability to sense energy, grow their consciousness, and become healers - professionally, or for their own personal development.

This week I’m just going to let you know about the next - and last - Jumpstart Foundations class I’ll be teaching this year.

It’s an amazing journey - you’ll never be the same! Learn more here - JUMPSTART...

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