Bear's Blog

Respecting Natureā€™s Shadow Side Jan 18, 2024

Land energy is a complex category. It’s influenced by deep geological forces, the composition of the earth’s mantle and crust, gravity, the atmosphere - even the cosmos beyond!

While complicated, on assignment I’m usually concerned with what’s just above and below the surface that creates corresponding energy flows and fields. Water and energy are similar in quality and form, both in our bodies and the earth’s body. This is why water, whether surface or...

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Sacred Lands Jan 11, 2024

People take my healing classes for many reasons. It can be the first step toward a healing career, or add value to a current healing practice. Half of my students come for personal growth. They also learn ways to help themselves, family and friends with health issues.

I also become a go-to resource when something has gone wrong. That’s how I ended up on this job! One of my students was a real estate agent in Aspen, Colorado. A property wasn't selling, and no one could figure out why.


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Mysterious, Remarkable
Energy Work
Jan 04, 2024

I have written several mini-series on different areas of healing. I’ve talked about ghost busting, how past lives can affect a person in this life, communicating with those that have passed and the multi-layered aspect of physical healing (all on my website.)

I have worked with ghosts over the years, but it’s just one part of clearing a location. Other aspects are the land energies inherent on the property; energy trapped in building materials from past events; or recent human...

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Pause Before the New Dec 28, 2023

It’s the end of one year and the beginning of another. We ponder accomplishments and challenges of the previous year and envision our hopes, dreams (and course corrections) for the new year. Unhappiness comes from being dissatisfied with the present - so we imagine something different from the now.

Yet in very real terms NOW is all that exists. It can be a refreshing place, spacious and free of past entanglements and complications, full of possibility. Why not spend some time in that...

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A Big Bang? Dec 21, 2023

In 2023 there have been more super-powered astrological events than normal. Humankind is lurching toward a monumental shift. Will it be our extinction? Or possibly, “This is the Age of Aquarius”! The song*, from the rock opera “Hair” in 1967, foretold an era of “peace and love, harmony and understanding.” Astrologers have noted the position of the stars and planets are similar to the 1960’s and 70’s - times of immense growth in consciousness,...

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Peace on Earth Dec 14, 2023

Love and fear are the major poles in our world of duality. There is no distinction once you transcend duality and realize the underlying reality of absolute oneness - pure love. The base emotion of fear is responsible for violence and war. It’s baked into the fact of our physical beings that we are seemingly separate from others. The impulse to survive and protect stems from this; although gone awry, it becomes the desire to accumulate excessive wealth and power.

This holiday season,...

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Santa Lives! Dec 07, 2023

Mid-winter celebrations have been going on around the world forever. It could be an awfully dreary and depressing time of year without them. We socialize more, reaching out to family, friends, and the larger community. We are moved to volunteer and donate to help others, and indulge in special foods and drink. We bring trees and lights into our homes; there are beautiful decorations everywhere you go. Familiar music abounds and we sing and celebrate at gatherings both religious and secular.


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Me Too, Barbie! Nov 30, 2023

“Death to the patriarchy!” I’m finally weighing in on the most important - and funny! - movie of the year, “Barbie”. I have my own take even after all the reviews, TikTok send-ups and social media (still abuzz with memes and music.) The reality is that the phrase is about male liberation just as much as “women's lib”. Ken discovers something Allan knew all along - you can be smart, sensitive, AND totally kick ass when needed. Allan longs for the real...

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Your Essential Nature Nov 16, 2023

On Earth, life began in the oceans. Water is essential to all life, and what we look for on other planets to see if they are habitable. Ever since creatures first crawled out of the sea, they carried their water supply inside their bodies. We are literally containers for fluid!

At birth we are 98% water, and it declines from that point on. An adult is approximately 60% water; major organs and muscles are even higher. Aside from drinking more water, how can we retain and enhance our fluid...

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Live and Learn? Nov 11, 2023

On November 11 we celebrate Veterans Day, also called Armistice Day. WWI officially ended on this day in 1918. It was called “the war to end all wars.”

Sadly, that was not the case. There are big wars right now in Ukraine and the Middle East which are already aligning much of the world into two camps. Then there are less explosive, but very real wars in almost every corner of the world - some hidden from sight, others brazenly launched.

Those hopes and aspirations have not...

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Winter Wellness Nov 02, 2023

Even in pre-pandemic times, flu season could be troublesome and sometimes deadly. Here are my preventatives (and treatment) for flu and Covid. While the current strains are less deadly, they are more contagious - and 30% of cases are asymptomatic!

In the fall and winter, our immune systems are tested. If the temperature in our nose is lowered by just 9 degrees it decreases immunity by 40% in that first-stage defense against viruses!

Slow down and pay attention to your body’s signals to...

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Too MUCH History Oct 26, 2023

I was called to do some energy work at a historic deco hotel built in 1920. The owner had lived in Singapore - where it was considered normal to take care of your buildings energetically. Now based in the US, he was concerned about many issues with his new property, considered a landmark and beloved by many in this small western city.

I met him for a half-day scouting trip to identify areas that needed attention. It turned out to be a highly complex job with many different elements.


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