Bear's Blog

Power vs. Force

Jan 23, 2025

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Power and force have similar traditional definitions but are not the same. Force is partial, power is whole. It’s a basic law of physics that force will always succumb to power; force creates a counter-force so it's automatically limited. Force is a movement, going from here to there. Power is still, a standing field that doesn't move. Force moves against something, power doesn't need to move against anything! How can we use these principles to navigate the current (U.S.) political situation?

Since force always creates counterforce, its effect is to polarize and initiate conflict. In a win/lose scenario enemies are created which requires constant defense. Defensiveness is costly whether on a personal level, in the marketplace, politics or even international affairs.

Being incomplete, force is insatiable; it has to be fed energy constantly. Power is total and complete in itself,  requiring nothing from the outside. It's generated internally, and energizes, gives, supplies and supports others. Power is light and energy; force is dark and consumes you.

What's the source of power? It arises from meaning - the significance of life itself. It has to do with motive and principle. Power appeals to what uplifts, dignifies and ennobles. It inspires.

Force has transient goals such as wealth, but when those goals are attained the lack of meaning remains. Disillusion and emptiness come from not aligning one's life with the principles from which power originates. If we are dedicated to compassionate work, our lives never lack meaning.

Principles reside in the invisible realm of consciousness, from which true power emanates. Principles may sound abstract but their consequences are quite evident. What we see is a visible manifestation of the invisible! Power directs, influences and sways. It calls forward inner qualities, values and ideas. It uses resources like knowledge, skill and expertise, and can withstand pressure and attacks with resilience.

Force dominates and seeks to control through physical action, manipulation (rewards and punishments) coercion, and threats of violence and harm. Its aim is to break its opposition, its enemies. Force can be of great strength if multiplied by groups of people. Force is action that alters the motion and momentum of its opposite; it’s concrete and literal.

“People Power” was a nonviolent revolution in the 1980’s that ousted Ferdinand Marcos, a dictator of twenty years in the Philippines. It was a campaign of civil resistance against regime violence, corruption and election fraud which restored democracy. The world has seen many successful nonviolent movements (not political parties per se) across the globe.

The opposite of People Power is when voters willingly give up their power by not participating. Of approximately 160 million registered U.S. voters, 86 million did not vote (over half). That’s more votes than either candidate got, so the largest political party is actually the “It doesn't matter” camp. Letting the consequences of the election be felt will do more than words ever could to change that.

There will be a time for demonstrations in the future. At the moment taking care of your immediate community has the most impact. Abstaining from force and making your presence known through peaceful action exhibits power. We can express our needs, opinions and boundaries clearly to show “I’m here, I’m paying attention, I am standing up for my principles and values.” Let us always be an advocate for -

Peace, love and healing -


*The main thesis of this week’s blog comes from David Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. He was a psychiatrist-philosopher and author of “Power vs. Force”. His system to classify the consciousness level of people, groups, objects, names, places and events is groundbreaking. He wrote that the U.S. constitution, based on the concept of equality, calibrates extremely high on his index.

Here’s my previous blog from Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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