Bear's Blog

Confusion vs Clarity

Apr 20, 2023

These are uncertain, tumultuous times - more than usual. Astrology foretells big shifts and changes in the world - and if we are willing, to transform ourselves. The unknown carries an element of trepidation at its worst, curiosity at its best.

For the curious, the questions are what are we being called to do at this time? How are we called to be right now? And what, or who, will lead us into our next defining experience? We can continue with our old patterns of coping, or explore what’s possible.

There is a shamanic healing journey called a “dis-memberment”. The first time it happened to me spontaneously during my energy healing training. I experienced dying, and was eventually reduced to bones lying on the ground (after being picked over by various carrion.) There was a peace in that, a total surrender. It happened again as I lay on the beach in a time of great distress. Of course I wasn’t actually dead (yet!) but I was reduced to a sense of spaciousness, of calmly being with everything.

After the “dis-memberment” there is the “re-membering”. Putting yourself back together again, anew. I do this journey every year on my birthday! It’s a drastic way to break up the old patterns and re-form yourself, but I like to keep stirring the pot.

Like everyone else, I am processing these intense times and seeking out new horizons. It’s part of being a teacher, clearing the path for myself and others. At this moment we are also in an “eclipse window” - a two-week opening into the causal plane that can initiate that next big thing.

Where can you find the support needed to find a way forward? Relating to your own issues, other people and events, and what is happening in this moment - in a fresh way?

My mission has always been to bring others along with me to directly, consciously experience the world of energy and spirit. I'd like to share the different ways you can work with me to start your own personal re-awakening.

Group Classes

“The Magical Mystery Tour” is an exploration of the chakra system. You'll become familiar with the nature and meaning of individual chakras and receive a clearing, empowerment and guided meditation for each one.

Online with Live Group Support
In “Jumpstart Your Energy Healing Practice” you’ll learn and practice ways to sense and move energy in the physiology. You can start utilizing some energy healing techniques right away! The live calls will help you refine and integrate your new skills.

Online, In-Person and with Live Group Support
“Jumpstart Your Energy Healing Practice - Foundations” - a four day, in-person class that will accelerate your growth exponentially in all areas - body, heart/mind and spirit. You’ll be doing a full body healing several times in class with immediate, direct feedback. If you are ready, the in-person class is the most accelerated, fastest way forward. It Includes the "Jumpstart Online" course, a workbook, and continued live support.

Personal, One-on-One

Intuitive Readings
A 45-minute intuitive reading will point you in the direction of your best future (also can be used for business, real estate/land and relationship consultations.)

Healing Sessions
A healing session (in which I naturally access any needed intuitive info). The first one is longer, so I get a thorough picture of you and what you would like help with (in any or all areas of your life.)

My Concierge Service
A 3-hr block of time, to be used in whatever increments or frequency you need. Scheduling is done directly with me, and I am essentially on-call. For serious or chronic health issues this is the best option. Please do an initial healing session before you sign up for this.

Free Online Offerings

Want to get more familiar with me and my work? I have many free resources available on my website, including learning how to ground, access the Being state, develop intuition, communicate using the chakras, spiritual practice, a quiz to discover your Energy Signature and more. A "Jumpstart Masterclass" will get you going with some specific energy techniques - and understand better what energy healing is all about, and how you can incorporate it into your everyday!

Check out my blogs for stories of past life healings, the dynamics of our many energy bodies, and dimensional aspects of healing.

To see fuller descriptions of these opportunities and take advantage of my free resources, visit my website.

What is called suffering in Buddhism can also be translated as dissatisfaction. Are you feeling it right now? Do you want to answer the call to evolve? The fastest way to grow your consciousness is by learning some energy healing techniques.

I leave you with my favorite quote from Leonard Cohen -
“The opposite of despair is not hope, it’s clarity.”

Peace, love and healing -


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