Bear's Blog

Chakra Love Feb 15, 2024

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I celebrate love in all its forms on Valentines, for the sweet-hearted. There are three chakras in particular - the 2nd, 4th, and 6th - that manifest distinct variations on love, from sympathy to empathy to compassion.

All ancient cultures have maps of the human energy field; the Chinese have the meridians in acupuncture, and the chakra model comes from India. There are seven major chakras, each feeding a distinct part of our anatomy as well as emotional and...

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For the Young at Heart Jul 06, 2023

It's summertime, and kids are on the loose! Trying to find activities that are fun and interactive is a never-ending challenge. Apart from pure recreation and more “learning opportunities”, you might want to create some more reflective time with them.

As adults, we aspire to model spirituality and psychological health. Morals, compassionate behavior, and religious beliefs can be taught intellectually. But how do you foster a spiritual or energetic experience

Anyone who has...

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Chakras and Energy Metabolism Feb 16, 2023

I recently wrote about how your chakra baseline relates to your Energy Signature. Aside from contextual variations, this baseline is fairly consistent. I call this overall energetic dynamic of the chakra system a person's “energy metabolism”.

Each chakra has individual characteristics that are affected by the volume of energy it takes in. So first let’s examine each one,  and how the amount of energy moving through it can impact us emotionally, intellectually and...

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Chakra Love Feb 09, 2023

I celebrate love in all its forms on Valentines, for the sweet-hearted. There are three chakras in particular - the 2nd, 4th, and 6th - that manifest distinct variations on love, from sympathy to empathy to compassion.

All ancient cultures have maps of the human energy field; the Chinese have the meridians in acupuncture, and the chakra model comes from India. There are seven major chakras, each feeding a distinct part of our anatomy as well as emotional and psychological aspects of our...

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Chakras and Energy Signatures Feb 02, 2023

Did you know that your Energy Signature provides a good map of your “baseline” chakra system? It gives you an idea of which chakras tend to have less energy flow, and others that may be too open.

We get energy coming into our seven major chakras from many sources. People, pets, other living things and the environment (especially the earth and sun) feed us. We are also nourished by bigger energy fields we’re a part of - like families, groups, our culture and the whole field...

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Connecting with Others Dec 08, 2022

Tis the season! We are spending extra time with people - relatives, friends, and going out for more social events. There are different kinds of energy connections between people depending on the type of attachment, duration, and whether it's with a single person or a group.

Some are enduring; others are less developed or transitory. They can be related to the chakras, or our energy field activity (the aura). It’s good to be aware of the variety of interactions and their relative...

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The Exquisite Forms of Nature Aug 04, 2022

There are universal forms arising naturally that are evident in everything. Salt, sand, and other crystals have fixed, geometric structures. We use squares, rectangles, trapezoids, and triangles in our built environment for their stability.

Organic, biological forms are part of nature too. They are inherently dynamic, fluid and mutable. Waves, spirals, branching, expansion and contraction are in this category. All these patterns are evident in the human physiology and are utilized in energy...

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Dimensions of Our Being Jul 14, 2022

What’s the difference between chakras, dantien points on the Hara Line, and our Soul body? They are forms that exist on different dimensions. All are aspects of our energetic physiology, but because they exist on different planes, they can seem to occupy the same space! What’s even more interesting is how they relate and interact with each other.

The Soul comes in at conception and is the essential “operating system” for our entire Being. It is who we are at the...

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Chakra Communication Jun 09, 2022

Did you know you could be more in sync, approach difficult conversations, and have a better connection with someone by practicing Chakra Communication™? All it takes is a little bit of chakra knowledge and a few moments of recognition at the beginning of an interaction.

The practice is simple – identify the chakra they are coming from, meet them there, listen and say a few affirming words from that place, and then lead the conversation to a more productive arena (and the chakra...

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Chakra Love Feb 09, 2022

Chakras are engines that fuel our energy physiology, much like food fuels our physical body – little funnels drawing energy in from our environment. Rooted into our midline dynamic, which has many layers (think of the vertebrae, spinal cord, chakra channel, and Hara line) this energy is dispersed throughout our various bodies, both physical and energetic.

All ancient cultures have maps of the human energy field; the Chinese have meridians used in acupuncture, and the chakra model comes...

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A Gift of Love for You and the Kids Dec 11, 2020

We feel confined right now, but don’t let your body suffer! Movement supports all aspects of our physical health – circulatory and respiratory, muscular and skeletal, endocrine, nervous and especially immunity. The lymph fluid cleans up cellular debris from antibodies fighting invaders, and takes it out of our system. The problem is, it doesn’t have a functional “pump” to move it like the heart does for the blood. You have to physically MOVE your body to move the...

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Let's Play - The McKay Method-opoly Game! Apr 10, 2020

Here’s the next installment in the Corona Care Kit, in the ”Play” category. Have you been breaking out a few board games, puzzles, or playing cards? Have enough people for charades? Here’s a unique addition…

A few years ago one of my students, Patty Lisieski, was inspired by a child in her life to do a “McKay Method” (Monopoly) game for her graduate project. It’s hilarious, and she was so creative with the format! So now we would like to...

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