Bear's Blog

Releasing Past Life Wounds of Ancestors

Apr 13, 2021

We are connected to our ancestors physically and energetically. The new field of epigenetics is discovering how we literally carry those experiences in our DNA. We choose a particular lineage to be born into, and sometimes our task is to heal something in the “family line.” I was still just a student in energy healing school when an unexpected healing happened in class. Not exactly a past life, but involving many past lives… and not hers, but related to her “biological karma.”

Barbara: Holding a Lot… That Wasn’t Hers!

Barbara was in her mid-30's and not only had trouble conceiving - her monthly periods had all but stopped. She sought me out because I had “unkinked” a fallopian tube for a fellow student with productive results. As usual, I started at the foot chakras and planned to look at her endocrine and reproductive systems later on in the session.

When I got to the 2nd chakra in the abdominal area - home to emotions, creativity, and reproduction - I saw lots of tangled barbed wire, with many small, glowing “soul” orbs. I opened up Soul Dialog and found out that these were souls that had perished in the Holocaust. Later she told me her Jewish grandparents survived a concentration camp in WWII but had never spoken of it.

I asked why they were there, in her body! The reply I got was that “we’re here so people will never forget what happened.” I explained that the world did remember, and always would; and that they were hurting Barbara by staying. They immediately agreed to release and move on. What happened next is hard to describe; countless souls left her body, flowing upward. The barbed wire disappeared. I was literally brought to tears; it was a powerful and moving moment. 

As I was finishing up, Barbara asked “what just happened?” We hadn’t spoken at all while I was working. Toward the end she had seen hundreds of faces, looking at her lovingly as they streamed past. She was as stunned as I was…

And soon her cycle returned to normal.

Commentary: It’s Complicated

Sometimes other people that we were involved with in a past life come into play. Occasionally it’s a relationship or expectation that needs to be healed. One woman was plagued with an extreme sense of guilt around impoverished families, even working in a charitable organization serving that population. We uncovered a life whereas a male peasant she had died in a farming accident - leaving behind a young family in dire circumstances. It helped her understand and resolve her deep-seated feelings. Sadly, she said good-bye and blessed that past family.

I never know what’s going to happen in a session until I’m in it! I bring my presence and an extensive toolkit and start investigating. It could be about anything along the full spectrum of our being, and the work is usually in multiple arenas (physical, energetic, emotional, psychological, and spiritual - to name a few). They are all connected and affect each other. That’s why it’s so important to know more than just one technique or way of working.

The world, and our experience of it, are ultimately a great mystery!

Peace, love and healing -


*Want to get to the bottom of an issue that is elusive? I get clients who say they’ve tried “everything else” with no answers or results. The allopathic model is appropriate in many situations, but the toolbox is mostly limited to surgery and drugs. My approach can work in concert with the standard of care in medical treatment, often providing a key and resolution to the deeper “why?” Click here to schedule a consult with me and see if we can work with your issue.

Read more about how past life wounds leave strong impressions

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