Bear's Blog

City of Mariupol

To Ukraine, with Love

Sep 29, 2022

Called world wars because they involved Europe and other major countries, the war in Ukraine is different; it affects every country, every person. The ways in which we are completely interconnected are clear.

The impacts are two-fold. It’s devastating in many ways, but on the other side is this - the outpouring of care, concern and support for Ukraine has united the world in a positive way. The power of attention, intention and the energy of love cannot be minimized as a factor in this battle.

The difficulties? Commodities like grain and oil are in short supply and/or more expensive, driving inflation. The cost of war’s armament is staggering, draining resources that could be used more productively. Then there is the residual environmental damage - and a very real nuclear threat.

The loss of life and suffering of the Ukrainian people and the destruction of their fields, towns and cities is felt as an assault on humanity itself. The campaign to annihilate a people and their country is shocking.

The Ukrainians fight with supplies and volunteers and goodwill from across the globe. It has been underlined that freedom from tyranny in Ukraine is the bulwark against authoritarianism in every country. Their indomitable spirit has inspired a huge outpouring of aid, as it becomes clear that they are fighting a “proxy” war for countries near and far. The newfound solidarity against a common threat is invigorating democracies around the world.

This conflict could be called a war against the whole world - even the Russian people. They are enduring severe economic and psychological pain, the loss of more and more freedoms, and total isolation. Soldiers are forced to fight those they consider brothers and sisters. Recent events have highlighted their tolerance for authoritarianism is eroding.

We should beware of indulging in moral superiority; each person is a combination of good and evil impulses, and free choice prevails. Dictators and other perpetrators inflict pain on others because of their own suffering. Even so, we cannot condone their actions and that is why battle lines are drawn. What is obvious now is the goodness of humanity shining through in this dark situation.

Cheering on the Ukrainians with our prayers, intention and attention is a power unlike any other. A study showed that a critical number of people engaged in Transcendental Meditation could bring down the crime rate in a city. The positive results that focused healing energy can create is miraculous. That is something to celebrate as we feed and shelter refugees, collaborate on many different levels, or even volunteer on the battlefield.

Unlike events that capture the headlines briefly the ongoing, sustained energetic support flowing toward Ukraine is remarkable. We are challenged to continue with this effort despite the difficulties and hardships. Our contributions are helping to manifest an exceptional story of our times.

Here is the format of my nightly Buddhist prayer, which always includes Ukraine... CLICK HERE TO GET A COPY

Peace, love and healing -


Photo - The once beautiful city of Mariupol (home to the Avostal steel plant), now completely destroyed.

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