Bear's Blog

Ode to the Soul

Mar 09, 2014

This year in Advanced classes we are studying the Soul and its dynamics over many lifetimes. This involves discussion of what happens after death, between lives, and how to work with other energy Beings such as ghosts, spirits, and guides. It’s pretty amazing and we’re all having a lot of fun with it.

One evening during the first class a student, brimming with excitement and ideas, wrote this poem on a hotel note pad. Thank you, Molly, for this beautiful poem, a reminder of the wonder and the mystery of our lives.

by Molly Burton

The Soul Body of God is the first to arrive:
a hint, an idea, a spark, a thought
is formed, and all of Creation is birthed into being, spilling forth from the cosmic womb.
Dressed in lanugo of Milky Ways, comets of dancing light:
each rocky orb and fiery star settles into place to hold new beginnings
and to illuminate the seeds of tomorrow.
The dimensions of time are cracked open.
The Soul Body of God will be the last to leave:

The Soul Body of Life is the first to arrive.
Ethereal gas molecules join in a fortuitous intercourse: water is born with
the temper of fire, the first ingredient of life: it cracks the seed
of the tree, it bathes animal, vegetable and mineral alike, according to need.
It is the element of marine creatures from lichen to whale; the quencher of thirst.
Water's edges soften the land for the primordial inhabitants of property
from those that slither and ooze, to those that crawl, then walk
on many legs to four, to two, to those whose element is the air above,
with wings soaring to the heavens.
It provides for the final blessing: a most complicated
creature called human.
The Soul Body of Life will be the last to leave.

The Soul Body of man and woman is the first to arrive...
All the existences of all creation light the way for human presence:
A hint, an idea, a spark, and two cells become one being that grows
in a saline, liquid nest according to a pre-ordained prescription.
The watery elixir nourishes the development and in time
the human infant spills forth from the womb.
Watery edges recede as the baby grows, first to be held,
then to know land, to ooze, roll, crawl, then to push up, begin
to step and finally to walk, then run and when growth education, philosophy
and dreams ripen, our spirits fly to the heavens in search of our
beginnings, and the quest is completed: the infinite path.
The Soul Body will be the last to leave...

My Soul Body is the first to arrive.
It quickens in my body and mind, and like both
an interior sheet of design for my character and personality, and an exterior
comforter of my place in the world, it is the presence of golden
God light in me and the closest I will get to being one with all Creation.
My Soul Body will be the last to leave.

A diminutive woman with strong, courageous, and protective energy
and the title of Bear
introduces me to my Soul Body.
It is as true as water and land, as soft as sunlight and moonbeams, as
eternal as God. I have always known its presence.
Now I know its name.

It is I.
I am.
It is us.
We are.
The Soul Body is the first to arrive: the stage is set.
The Soul Body will be the last to leave: the curtain closes.
The next act will soon begin...again.

Enjoy the rebirth of Spring and notice what may be brand new, or renewed, in yourself as well!



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