Bear's Blog

Your Energy Signature book by Bear McKay

Energy Signatures Book Club

Mar 27, 2020

In my next series of blog posts I will be expanding on each of the categories from my last newsletter - Gratitude, Exercise/Movement, Play, Nature, and Learning  – and offering specific support in those areas.
This week’s spotlight is on - LEARNING!
I want to announce that I will be doing a free online book club to explore “Energy Signatures”!  
Click here to download the book and get registered for the weekly meetings!

Now that you have spent a few weeks cooped up with family or roommates, or maybe on your own – a few of their quirks just might be bugging you. Maybe these are behaviors that you’ve noticed before but chalked it up to personality, ingrained habits, even childhood experiences. While these things do affect our behavior, the main reason we RESPOND in a certain way to life events is directly related to our Energy Signature. These patterns develop from birth to age five – one reason we are dealing with what we think of as family-of-origin issues for – a long time.
Are you a Royal-Priest? Or perhaps a Warrior-Gardener? Maybe you have Lover in your Energy Signature… let’s find out!
You will have to buy the e-book first - but you get me free, weekly for 6 weeks, to talk through what your - and other people’s – Energy Signatures are. We’ll strategize how to deal with those people – in a compassionate way, understanding their gifts and mitigating those less desirable qualities. Why do spouses, children, even co-workers and other friends or relatives – act like they do? 

So if you’ve wondered –
Why are they always late?
Why do they always have to be right?
Why are they so clingy?
Why don’t they communicate (x)?
Why are they so critical?
The answers are in their Energy Signature. Make your (too much?) togetherness time more tolerable and – enlightening. This understanding will help you in all of your relationships, far into the future!
Join me weekly, for an hour, and enjoy a short respite from the stress of these uncertain times. Find the answers to questions that have been puzzling you for years about why we – and other people – do that thing we/they do!
Click here to download the book and get registered for the weekly meetings!
See you in the Zoom room!  Many ah-ha’s await… 

Peace, love and healing -


What’s great is that you can tell a person’s Energy Signature at a glance, just by looking at them! Couldn’t resist taking this picture at the airport - how can you tell it’s a Warrior-Priest (on the left) and a Gardener-Priest (on the right)? Find out on the first call!

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