Bear's Blog

Bring Back the Light in Your World

Dec 24, 2020

What a strange holiday – there is always much to be grateful for, but celebrate? It was unusually dramatic for Fauci to call this winter “a really dark time” if we don’t stay vigilant. Given the politicization of basic public health guidelines, that’s not happening; not for Thanksgiving, and not for Christmas (when millions are still traveling to visit and gather).

So here we are right now, at this dark time, transiting seasons and reflecting on the past year. We have to remember it’s just a year. “Just” a year, but a year in which everything has changed dramatically. It’s a major transition, in so many ways, to something different (the Age of Aquarius?). While change is always an opportunity, these have been some hard times.

This hasn’t been the year to teach live classes. Thankfully a group graduated from my 2-yr program in December of 2019, so their education was complete. And yet it was an awfully strange time to start a healing practice - and those who already had a professional practice were shut down for months. Fortunately, they were all taught to do energy work from a distance. This allowed them to continue, and gave an unexpected boost to that aspect of their practices!

This year will have a lasting impact on how (and where) we work and learn, how healthcare is delivered, how elections are conducted, and how racial and economic equality is addressed (for starters). Also affected is how we view our friends and families, who we choose to spend time with, and ultimately what we value.  

You may have noticed that to end the year, I’ve been replaying some of the greatest hits from the “Corona Care Kit”, my weekly newsletter from late March to mid-June.  In the Kit I shared a few practices on each of 6 topics: Nature, Learning, Gratitude, Movement, Play, and Meditation (it’s still available on my website until the end of the year.)  Then I moved on to the Energy Signatures of Presidents – past, present and future – during the political season.

The last topic I’m revisiting from the Corona Care Kit is LEARNING.  My mission is to bring more consciousness and healing into the world, so I’m offering you a preview of my FULL online Energy Healing course for 10 days. This is your chance to learn some basic healing techniques, but also to explore this magical and mystical world of energy. This course will change your perceptions of what’s possible, what’s “real”, and how you can positively impact others.

How are you going to make next year - and the next few months - different? What can you personally do to make the world a better place? When we translate intention into action and experience, it starts to change our whole way of Being. Why limit yourself? Why not now?

I am grateful for all the ways this work has benefited me in difficult times, to pull myself up from the doldrums into higher frequencies. Have you wanted to (literally) try your hand at working with energy? I’m here for you!
To a New Year! Holding you all in the field - 

Peace, love and healing -


Click here to get your 10-Day Preview of the Online Course.

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